Reception Wrens
Welcome to Wrens Class
It is a great privilege to be able to spend each day with young, curious minds! We are really looking forward to working with your children this year, getting to know them and seeing them form new friendships, grow and flourish.
Our EYFS classroom is a lovely, light environment which stimulates children's communication, interaction and independence, all while having lots of fun!
The Wrens Staff Team:
Class Teacher: Mrs Langley
Support Staff: Mrs Dalton, Miss Thomas and Miss Cushing
Home school communication, both to celebrate the good things and tackle any problems or concerns is essential in ensuring the very best education for your child. Parents, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Langley via
Important Days:
Monday |
Whole School Act of Worship |
Tuesday |
Class Act of Worship |
Wednesday |
Singing Liturgy |
Thursday |
PE- Please wear your PE kit and trainers to school on this day and remove any earrings. Homework books and reading books are collected in. |
Friday |
Whole school celebration assembly Library day. Time to change books! Homework packs with new reading book and phonics learning go |
EYFS Curriculum Documents:
Reading and Phonics
Please find resources below to help your child with their phonics and handwriting.
We follow the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised Scheme to help your children to read. The children begin by learning single-letter sounds and progress to learning digraphs by the end of the year. The children are taught how to blend these sounds together to read words; they also learn how to read a selection of non-decodable words and then put all this together as they start to read simple sentences and then stories.
- everybody-read-leaflet-for-parents.pdf
- programme-overview_reception-and-year-1.pdf
- glossary-of-terms.pdf
- ls_parent-handout_reception-autumn-term.pdf
- pronunciation_guide_autumn_1.pdf
- pronunciation_guide_autumn_2.pdf
- how-to-say-phase-3-sounds.pdf
- tricky-words-for-parents-phase-2-1-1-.pdf
- tricky-words-for-parents-phase-3-1-.pdf
- tricky-words-for-parents-phase-4-1-.pdf
Knowledge Organisers:
EYFS Curriculum Plan Autumn 2024
Useful Websites:
- Little Wandle Parent page For parents | Letters and Sounds (
- A great series for your children to enjoy whilst learning all about number!
- Baseline assessment
- PhonicsPlay - some free games for the children to play to reinforce the sounds they have learnt in phonics