Physical Education
PE Vision Statement
At St Roberts we recognise the essential role PE plays in developing a child’s social, emotional and physical development.
Our aim is to provide a rich and engaging PE curriculum that inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. We want to provide opportunities for our pupils to become confident and physically literate in a way which supports their health and well-being enabling them to make healthy lifestyle choices and promote life-long participation in physical activity and sport.
We offer children the opportunity to compete in a range of sports and other activities to develop teamwork, respect, leadership skills and resilience enabling each child to become the best they can be.
We aim to:
- Develop confidence, skills and knowledge
- Develop physical literacy
- Be proud of our achievements
- Promote fair play and respect
- Educate children to improve health and wellbeing
- Engage in competitive sports and activities
At St Robert’s we use the real PE scheme of work which helps support EVERY child to develop the physical literacy, knowledge, emotional and thinking skills to achieve in PE, Sport and life. Their unique, child centred approach transforms how we teach PE to include, challenge and support EVERY child.
It is fully aligned to the National Curriculum and Ofsted requirements and focuses on the development of agility, balance and coordination, healthy competition and cooperative learning through a unique approach to teaching and learning in PE.
The real PE scheme develops key abilities children need to be successful within PE and Sport, across the wider Curriculum and for later life. Each year children focus on 6 key areas that are essential in the development of children as they grow.
Each cog is structured and sequenced in order to engage pupils in purposeful personalised learning by building on prior knowledge, understanding and skills year on year.
- For all children to be able to use variety and creativity to engage an audience
- For all children to be able to respond imaginatively to different situations, adapting skills, movements or tactics.
- For all children to be able to review, analyse and evaluate their own and others' strengths and weaknesses.
- For all children to be able to read and react to different game situations as they develop.
Health and Fitness
- For children to be able to explain how individuals need different types of fitness to be more effective in their activity/role/event.
- For all children to be able to plan and follow their own basic fitness programme.
- For all children to be able to explain the basic fitness components and to know how long to exercise to keep healthy.
- For all children to be able to effectively transfer skills and movements across a range of activities.
- For all children to perform a variety of skills consistently and effectively in challenging or competitive situations.
- For children to be able to involve others and motivate people around them to perform.
- For all children to be able to give and receive constructive feedback to improve their own and others' performance.
- For all children to create their own learning journey and revise it when needed.
- For all children to be able to see all new challenges as opportunities to learn and develop.
To find out more please click on the links below: - Jasmines Story
PE Intent, Implementation and Impact Policy
Progression Documents
real PE - Progression of Skills
Fundamental Movement Skills - Progression of Skills
real PE Curriculum Maps