Community News
Mass times
St Robert’s— Saturday 5pm Vigil Mass; Sunday Mass 9am and 11am
St Aelred’s— Saturday 5.30pm Vigil Mass; Sunday Mass 9am
St Robert’s Parent/Carer, Baby & Toddler Group
See below the forthcoming dates for the St Robert’s Parish Parent/Carer and Toddler Group, everybody welcome. Contact Katherine 01423 734828 for more information.
March 17th
April 7th and 28th
May 12th
June 2nd and 16th
July 7th
September 8th and 22nd
St Robert's Brownies meet on Wednesdays 6.00pm to 7.15pm during term time. Brownies welcomes all girls from 7 to 10 years old for nonstop fun, learning and adventure. If you are interested in a place please contact Sarah Mansfield :
Children’s Liturgy
The Children's Liturgy at St Robert’s takes place during 9am Mass on Sunday mornings.
The Children's Liturgy at St Aelred's has recently re-started, during the 10am Mass.
Children from 4 – 8 yrs (and younger if accompanied by a parent) are warmly invited to attend the sessions in the parish hall during the first half of mass.